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Big Leaf Maple Cross with Carved Grapes (AB14)


Big Leaf Maple is a very unique and beautiful wood.  Colors can run snow white to browns and the figure can be stunning.  Our crosses are carved from this prized wood.  Maple is also an exceptional and unique wood for luthiers to use in building guitars and ukuleles.  We personally recover most of our Maple trees from logging site where the trees were being sent to chip mills.  The areas that the trees are removed from are replanted with new trees making this a very eco-friendly and sustainable guitar wood.  All of our crosses are hand sanded to 2000 grit creating the fine surface for finishing.  We apply multi coats of food grade walnut oil by hand to bring out the natural beauty and luster of this wood.  Up to 50 coats of French polish finish is then applied to protect your cross. The final step is buffing with Gilboy’s beeswax imported from England.

We hope this cross brings many blessings to you and your family.  We thank you for allowing one of our handmade crosses into a place of honor in your home.

This cross is 13 inches high and 7 ½ inches wide with our carved grapes.

Free shipping within the US.